Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Guardian Angel

I started to think that I really do have a guardian angel taking care of me...

Last night, after cooking, the ventilator turned off while i was washing few dirty if to remind me to turn off the ventilator and its lights, when i checked the switch, of course the switch was not turned off yet...

Today, i woke 4am just to set my alarm,

Yesterday I woke 30 mins early, ya bcos my alarm was not set, well after the alarm was set of course i went back to sleep...heehee

and few days ago....when i slept reall late, in my sleep, i heard in my head like a dream....

...maria k... maria k...

as if meaning to say " maria k maria k... u checked your hp sound and the volume...but you didnt set the alarm....maria k...maria k..." saying my full name over and over again...

my eyes opened. Blinking wearily,wondering what time it was... faint light coming from the neighbor's kitchen contributing lights to the darkness of my room, and first thing i said to myself...

"my guardian angel just woke me up..."

Few weeks ago...i forgot to set my alarm guardian angel woke me up by switching on the TV with loud music from the astro radio...or maybe it was me who forgot to turn of the TV and astro...but i doubt i forgot...

and now i truly believe it was indeed my guardian angel...hmmm...just hope that its true

Im sure everyone have their guardian angel...its whether u let your angel influence u or not...but so far my GA only make sure that I wont be late...

If it's really u GA...thanks =)...

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