Monday, 16 November 2009

I hate taking massages from someone who speaks like LRT....longgg messages and very fast and no going backwards...and then no full stops or even commas. and 5 messages in one phrase, nice...
To make it worse, the pronouciation is suckssss...i know im not good either...but at least kasi ada la bah comma and full stop...and when the hp line is not good...triple trouble...die la...
and last time i heard them talking...
bla bla bla 'pacey' bla bla bla...
*conversation pause*.......clearly the other person sedang berfikir 'pacey?'
"pacey, pacey...coca cola pacey".....ooooo, pepsi...
can u imagine howwww difficult life is....
Oh shit,

I hope nothing bad happen to my fb ac...
Damn computer..i hope no one vandalise my pictures...cilaka...triple shit...

Sunday, 15 November 2009

movie review

I said before that Transformer is the BESTTT and BIGGESTT movie ever, and no movie wiill beat transformer..ever...

BUT 2012....

just 2 words...

(taken from here)

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