Friday, 12 August 2005

QB Questions - Pre-Snap - Louisiana Tech/Gary Crowton

(1) Scan the coverage. Is it man or zone coverage? Are there two safeties, one safety, or no safeties?

(2) Check the perimeter and the edges of the box. How will I be protected? Will I be protected?

(3) Point to the "hot" defender away from the protection call. You are identifying the defender that must come to create a "hot" throw away from the call side. This is vital if you do not have a built in "hot" receiver to handle a 4th rusher backside.
In my offense the QB actually makes the # of safeties part of the snap count. We audible rarely and the QB will actually step out when he does it, so we have no need for long-winded "Black 81!" type notes. Our snap count is "Go! 2! 2! Hut! Hut!" or "1! 1!" depending on the # of safeties.

Also, these questions are imperative not only for the moment but also to help you as a coach. A quarterback who is asking himselves these questions every play not only will make better decisions, but will come to the sideline and help you make better decisions.

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